Bibliography: el Amarna

This comprehensive bibliography for the Middle Egyptian locality of el-Amarna lists the primary published reports and discussions available in most good Egyptological libraries.

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general treatments

Aldred, Cyril

“El-Amarna”, chapter 5 in James, T.G.H. (ed.), Excavating in Egypt – the Egypt Exploration Society 1882-1982, British Museum Publications, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1982.

Chubb, Mary

Nefertiti Lived Here, Geoffrey Blass, 1954.

Kemp, Barry J.

“Egypt in Microcosm: the City of El-Amarna”, chapter 7, Ancient Egypt – Anatomy of a Civilization, Routledge, 1989, pp.261-317.

Pendlebury, J.D.S.

Tell el-Amarna, Lovat Dickson & Thompson, 1935.

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excavation: the city


“Tomb-Chapel 525 at Tell el-`Amarnah”, JEA 11 (1925), p.36.

Borchardt, L. & Ricke, H.

Die Wohnhäuser in Tell el-Amarna [91. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft], Berlin, 1980.

Frankfort, H.

“Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tell el-`Amarnah, 1926-7”, JEA 13 (1927).

Frankfort, H. & Pendlebury, J.D.S.

The City of Akhenaten, Part II, London, 1933.

Garfi, Salvatore

“The Amarna Survey: Survey of the City”, chapter 7 [Reports on 1983 Fieldwork] in Kemp 1984:89-98.

“The Amarna Survey: Survey of the City”, chapter 5 [Reports on 1983 Fieldwork] in Kemp 1985a:51-64.

Griffith, Francis, Ll.

“Excavations at El-`Amarnah, 1923-24”, JEA 10 (1924), pp.299-305.
“Stela in honour of Amenophis III and Taya, from Tell El-`Amarnah”, JEA 12 (1926), pp.1-2.

Jones, M.

“Preliminary Report on the El-`Amarna Expedition, 1981-2 – Appendix 1: the North City”, JEA 69 (1983), pp.15-21.

Kemp, Barry J.

“The Window of Appearance at El-Amarna and the Basic Structure of this City”, JEA 62 (1978), pp.81-99.
“Preliminary Report on the El-`Amarna Survey, 1977”, JEA 64 (1978), pp.22-34.
“Preliminary Report on the El-`Amarna Survey, 1978”, JEA 65 (1979), pp.5-12.
“Preliminary Report on the El-`Amarna Expedition, 1980”, JEA 67 (1981), pp.5-20.
“The Character of the South Suburb at Tell el-`Amarna”, MDOG 113 (1981), pp.81-97.
“Preliminary Report on the El-`Amarna Expedition, 1981-2”, JEA 69 (1983), pp.5-24.
Amarna Reports I, [EES Occasional Publications 1, ed. A.J. Spencer), Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1984.
Amarna Reports II, [EES Occasional Publications 2, ed. A.J. Spencer), Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1985.
Amarna Reports IV, [EES Occasional Publications ?, ed. A.J. Spencer), Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1987.
Amarna Reports V, [EES Occasional Publications 9], Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1989.
“Discovery and Renewal at Amarna”, Egyptian Archaeology 1 (1991), pp.19-22.
“Amarna from the Air”, Egyptian Archaeology 2 (1992), pp.15-17.
“Amarna’s Other Period”, Egyptian Archaeology 3 (1993), pp.13-14.
“The Kom el-Nana Enclosure at Amarna”, Egyptian Archaeology 6 (1995), pp.8-9.
“Fieldwork, 1995-6 – Tell el-Amarna, 1996”, JEA 82 (1996), pp.12-14.
“Amarna’s Textile Industry”, Egyptian Archaeology 12 (1997), pp.7-9.
“Fieldwork, 1997-8 – Tell el-Amarna, 1997-8”, JEA 84 (1998), pp.12-16.
“More of Amarna’s City Plan”, Egyptian Archaeology 13 (1998), pp.17-18.
“Fieldwork, 1998-9 – Tell el-Amarna, 1998-9”, JEA 85 (1999), pp.13-18.

Kemp, Barry J. & Garfi, Salvatore

A Survey of the Ancient City of El-Amarna, [Occasional Publications 9], Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1993.
“The Streets of El-Amarna”, Egyptian Archaeology 4 (1994), p.39.

Kemp, Barry J. & Nicholson, Paul T.

“Fieldwork, 1996-7 – Tell el-Amarna, 1996-7”, JEA 83 (1997), pp.8-13.

Krauss, Rolf

[1998] “1911-1914: Vier Grabungswinter in Amarna”, in Wilhelm, G. (ed.), Zwischen Tigris und Nil – 100 Jahre Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Vorderasien und Ägypten, Phillip von Zabern: Mainz am Rhein, 1998, pp.82-89.

Murnane, W.J.

“The El-Amarna Boundary Stelae Project: A Preliminary Report”, Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt 128 (Winter 1984), pp.40-52.

Newton, F.G.

“Excavations at El-`Amarna, 1923-24”, JEA 10 (1924), pp.294-298.

Nicholson, Paul

“Industrial Archaeology at Amarna”, Egyptian Archaeology 7 (1995), pp.14-16.
“Recent excavations at an ancient Egyptian glassworks: Tell el Amarna 1993”, Glass Technology 36 (1995), pp.125-128.
“Fieldwork, 1998-9 – Tell el-Amarna Glass Project (site O45.1)”, JEA 85 (1999), pp.18-20.

Peet, T.E.

“Excavations at Tell el-Amarna: a Preliminary Report”, JEA 7 (1921), pp.169-185.

Peet, T.E. & Wooley, C.L.

The City of Akhenaten, Part I, London, 1923.

Pendlebury, J.D.S.

“Preliminary Report of Excavations at Tell el-`Amarnah 1930-1”, JEA 17 (1931), pp.233-244.
1933 “Preliminary Report of Excavations at Tell el-`Amarnah 1932-1933”, JEA 19 (1933), pp.113-118.
The City of Akhenaten: III, the Central City and the Official Quarters, [Memoirs 44], Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1951.

Petrie, W.M. Flinders

Tell el Amarna, Methuen & Co.: London, 1894.

Ryder, M.L.

“Wool of the the 14th Century BC from Tell el-`Amarna, Egypt”, Nature 240 (1972), pp.355-356.

Spence, Kate

“The North Palace at Amarna”, Egyptian Archaeology 15 (1999), pp.14-17.

Timme, P.

Tell el-Amarna vor der deutschen Ausgrabung im Jahre 1911, Leipzig, 1917.

Whittemore, T.

“The Excavations at El-`Amarnah, season 1924-5”, JEA 12 (1926), pp.3-12.

Williams, C.R.

“Two Egyptian Torsos from the Main Temple of the Sun at el-`Amarneh”, Metropolitan Museum Studies 3 (1930), pp.81-99.

Wooley, C.L.

“Excavations at Tell el-Amarna”, JEA 8 (1922), pp.48-82.

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excavation: the tombs

Davies, Norman de Garis

The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, Part I, London, 1903.
The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, Part II, London, 1905.
The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, Part III, London, 1905.
The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, Part IV, London, 1906.
The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, Part V, London, 190.
The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, Part VI, London, 1908.

Owen, Gwil

“The Amarna Courtiers’ Tombs”, Egyptian Archaeology 17 (2000), pp.21-24.
(Describes the Egypt Exploration Society’s efforts, since 1992, to create a photographic record of the tombs of Akhenaten’s courtiers).

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excavation: the royal tomb

Kamal, M.

“Fouilles du Service des Antiquités à Tell el-Amarna en 1934”, ASAE 35 (1935), pp.193-196.

el-Khouly, Ali & Martin, Geoffrey T.

Excavations in the Royal Necropolis at El-`Amarna 1984, Cairo, 1987.

Martin, Geoffrey T.

The Royal Tomb at el-`Amarna – I: The Objects (The Rock Tombs of el-`Amarna, Part VII, [Archaeological Survey of Egypt Memoir 35 (ed. TGH James)], Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1974.

Pendlebury, J.D.S.

“Report on the Clearance of the Royal Tomb at el-`Amarna”, ASAE 31 (1931), pp.123-125.

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excavation: workmen’s village

Bomann, Ann

“Chapel 561/450 (the `Main Chapel’)”, chapter 2 in Kemp 1984:14-33.
“Chapel 561/450(the `Main Chapel`)”, chapter 1 [Reports on 1984 Fieldwork] in Kemp 1985:1-17.

Cooney, J.D.

Amarna Reliefs from Hermopolis in American Collections, Mainz, 1965.

Eastwood, Gillian M.

“Preliminary Report on the Textiles”, chapter 10 [Technical Reports and Discussions] in Kemp 1985:191-204.

Garfi, Barbara

“Painted Plaster from the Main Chapel”, chapter 2 [Reports on 1984 Fieldwork] in Kemp 1985:18-28.

Hecker, Howard H.

“Preliminary Report on the Faunal Remains from the Workmen’s Village”, chapter 11 in Kemp 1984:154-164.

Hulin, Christopher

“Chapels 570 and 571”, chapter 3 in Kemp 1984:34-39.
“The Main Quarry and its Chronological Record”, chapter 6 in Kemp 1984:81-88.

Hulin, Linda

“Commodity Delivery Area (Zir-area)”, chapter 5 in Kemp 1984:60-80.
“Pottery cult vessels from the Workmen’s Village”, chapter 12 in Kemp 1984:165-177.
“Chapels 570 and 571 and Adjacent Ground”, chapter 3 [Reports on 1984 Fieldwork] in Kemp 1985:29-38.

Kemp, Barry J.

Amarna Reports I, [Occasional Publications 1, ed. A.J. Spencer), Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1984.
Amarna Reports II, [Occasional Publications 2, ed. A.J. Spencer), Egypt Exploration Society: London, 1985.
“Chapel Group 528-531”, chapter 4 [Reports on 1984 Fieldwork] in Kemp 1985a:39-50.
“The Amarna Workmen’s Village in Retrospect”, JEA 73 (1987), pp.21-50.

Leahy, M.A.

“The Hieratic Labels, 1979-82”, chapter 6 [Technical Reports and Discussions] in Kemp 1985:65-109.

Nicholson, Paul T. & Rose, Pamela

“Pottery Fabrics and Ware Groups at el-Amarna”, chapter 8 [Technical Reports and Discussions] in Kemp 1985:133-174.

Renfrew, Jane M.

“Preliminary Report on the Botanical Remains”, chapter 9 [Technical Reports and Discussions] in Kemp 1985:175-190.

Robins, Gay

“The Hieroglyphic Wall Plaster from Chapel 561”, chapter 7 [Technical Reports and Discussions] in Kemp 1985:110-132.

Roeder, G.

Amarna-Reliefs aus Hermopolis, Hildesheim, 1969.

Rose, Pamela

“The Pottery Distribution Analysis”, chapter 10 in Kemp 1984:133-153.

Shaw, Ian

“The Animal Pens (Building 400)”, chapter 4 in Kemp 1984:40-59.

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derivative studies

Assman, Jan

“Palast oder Tempel? Überlegungen zur Architektur und Topographie von Amarna”, JNES 31 (1972), pp.143-155.

Badaway, A.

“Maru-Aten: pleasure resort or temple?”, JEA 42 (1956), pp.58-64.

Bell, M.

“A Hittite Pendant from Amarna”, AJA 90 (1986), pp.145-51.

Crocker, P.

“Status Symbols in the Architecture of el-Amarna”, JEA 71 (1985), pp.52-65.

Fairman, H.W.

“Town Planning in Pharaonic Egypt”, Town Planning Review 20 (1949), pp.32-51.

Frankfort, Henry (ed.)

The Mural Painting of El-Amarneh, London, 1929.

Hanke, R.

“Bildhauerwerkstätten in Tell el-Amarna”, MDOG 110 (1978), pp.43-48.

Hankey, Vronwy

“The Aegean Interest at El-Amarna”, Journal of Mediterranean Anthropology and Archaeology 1 (1981), pp.38-49.
“Stirrup Jars at El-Amarna”, in Davies, W.V. & Schofield, L. (eds), Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant – Interconnections in the Second Millennium BC, British Museum Press: London, 1995, pp.116-124.

Janssen, J.

“Amarna as a Residential City”, BibOr 40 (1983), pp.273-288.

Krauss, R.

“Der Bildhauer Thutmose in Amarna”, Jahrbuch Preussischer Kulturbesitz 20 (1983), pp.119-132.

Lloyd, S.

“A Model of a Tell el-`Amarnah House”, JEA 19 (1933), pp.1-7.

Johnson, W. Raymond

“Amenhotep III and Amarna: Some New Considerations”, JEA 82 (1996), pp.65-82.

Kemp, Barry J.

“The city of el-Amarna as a source for the study of urban society in ancient Egypt”, World Archaeology 9 (1977), pp.123-139.

Nicholson, Paul T.

“Glassmaking and Glassworking at Amarna: some new work”, Journal of Glass Studies 37 (1995), pp.11-19.

Nicholson, Paul T., Jackson, Caroline M., and Trott, Katharine M.

“The Ulu Burun Glass Ingots, Cylindrical Vessels and Egyptian Glass”, JEA 83 (1997), pp.143-153.
This paper examines a possible Egyptian origin for the glass ingots discovered in the Ulu Burun shipwreck off the Turkish coast and seeks to relate them to cylindrical vessels believed to be ingot moulds from Tell el-Amarna. A preliminary distinction between types of Ulu Burun ingot is also suggested and a comparison made between the ingot moulds from Amarna and those from Qantir.

Parkinson, Richard & Schofield, Louise

“Akhenaten’s Army?”, Egyptian Archaeology 3 (1993), pp.34-35.
“Images of Mycenaeans: A Recently Acquired Painted Papyrus from El-Amarna”, in Davies, W.V. & Schofield, L. (eds), Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant – Interconnections in the Second Millennium BC, British Museum Press: London, 1995, pp.125-126.

Peet, T.E.

“Two Letters from Akhetaten”, LAAA 17 (1930), pp.82-97.

Pinch, G.

“Childbirth and Female Figurines at Deir el-Medina and el-`Amarna”, Orientalia 52 (1983), pp.405-414.

Seidlmayer, S.

“Zu einigen Architekturinschriften aus Tell el-Amarna”, MDAIK 39 (1983), pp.204-206.

Stos-Gale, Z., Gale, N. & Houghton, Judy

“The Origins of Egyptian Copper: Lead-Isotope Analysis of Metals from El-Amarna”, in Davies, W.V. & Schofield, L. (eds), Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant – Interconnections in the Second Millennium BC, British Museum Press: London, 1995, pp.127-135.

Tietze, C.

“Amarna – Analyse der Wohnhäuser und soziale Struktur der Stadtbewohner”, ZÄS 112 (1985), pp.48-84.
“Amarna (Teil III). Analyse der ökonomischen Beziehungen der Stadtbewohner”, ZÄS 113 (1986), pp.55-78.

Uphill, E.P.

“The Per Aten at Amarna”, JNES 29 (1970), pp.151-166.

Vandiver, P., Swann, C. & Cranmer, D.

“A Review of mid-second millennium B.C. Egyptian glass technology at Tell el-Amarna”, Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology, II, Pittsburgh, 1991, pp.609-616.

Weatherhead, F. & Buckley, A.

“Artists Pigments from Amarna”, in Kemp 1989:202-240.

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