Cuneiform / Assyriology

This page links to resources specifically relating to Cuneiform and Assyriology. A large number of Assyriological resources may also be accessed through the pages listing Journals and Publications.

Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

CDLI represents the efforts of an international group of Assyriologists, museum curators and historians of science to make available through the internet the form and content of cuneiform tablets dating from the beginning of writing, c. 3200 BCE, until the end of the third millennium. more about CDLI. – The Cuneiform Digital Palaeography Project (University of Birmigham / British Museum)

Digital Hammurabi

Digital Hammurabi is a major, cross-discipline effort originating at Johns Hopkins University aimed both at making very high resolution, three dimensional models of cuneiform tablets available to every researcher’s computer and at producing an international standard Unicode encoding for cuneiform text.

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

The corpus is based at the University of Oxford, its aim: to make accessible, via the World Wide Web, over 400 literary works composed in the Sumerian language in ancient Mesopotamia during the late third and early second millennia BCE.

Initiative for Cuneiform Encoding (ICE)

ICE is an international group of cuneiformists, Unicode experts, software engineers, linguists, and font architects organized for the purpose of developing a standard computer encoding for Sumero/Akkadian cuneiform, the world’s oldest attested writing system.

The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project (State Archives of Assyria)

The Amarna Tablets

The Amarna Scholarly Tablets

The el-Amarna Letters at the Vorderasiatische Museum Berlin

Site available in English, German and Spanish

A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian – Addenda, Corrigenda, and Supporting Bibliography

Online emendations to the 1999 publication edited by Jeremy Black, Andrew George and Nicholas Postgate.

Mesopotamian Directory

Melammu – the Intellectual Heritage of Assyria and Babylonia in East and West
A Searchable Database of the Legacy of Ancient Mesopotamia to Later Civilizations (University of Helsinki)


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