Martu / Amurru

Select Bibliography

Beaulieu, P.-A.

“The God Amurru as Emblem of Ethnic and Cultural Identity”, Leiden RAI volume, in press.

Hallo, W.W.

1998 “Two Letter-Prayers to Amurru”, M. Lubetski et alii (eds), Boundaries of the Ancient Near Eastern World: A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon, [Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 27], Sheffield, 1998, pp.397-410.

Klein, J.

1993 “Additional Notes to ‘The Marriage of Martu'”, in Kutscher Memorial Volume, Tel Aviv, 1993, pp.93-106

? “The God Martu in Sumerian Literature”, in Finkel, I.L. & Geller, M.J. (eds), Sumerian Gods and their Representations, Gröningen, pp.99-116.

Kramer, S.N.

1990 “The Marriage of Martu”, in Klein, J. & Skaist, A. (eds), Bar-Ilan Studies in Assyriology dedicated to Pinhas Artzi, Bar-Ilan, 1990, pp.11-25 (with an “Addendum” by J. Klein, pp.25-27).

Kupper, J.-R.

1961 L’iconographie du dieu Amurru dans la glyptique de la premiere dynastie babylonienne, Brussels, 1961.

Richter, Th.

1998 “Die Lesung der Götternamens AN.AN.MAR.TU”, SCCNH 9 (1998), pp.135-137.

Römer, W. H. Ph.

1989 “Zur Sumerischen Dichtung ‘Heirat des Gottes Mardu'”, UF 21 (1989), pp.319-334.

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