the Tale of Wenamun : Bibliography

This page provides a comprehensive bibliography for the Tale of Wenamun, a popular text for students of Late Egyptian and a valuable source of information for the period following the collapse of Egyptian power in the Levant in the early 21st Dynasty and the rise of the Sea Peoples along the coastal plain in its stead.

Baines, John

1999 “On Wenamun as a Literary Text”, in Assmann, J. & Blumenthal, E. (eds), Literatur und Politik im pharaonischen und ptolemäischen Ägypten, IFAO: le Caire, 1999, pp.209-233.

Bunnens, G.

1978 “La mission d’Ounamon en Phénicie. Point de vue d’un non-égyptologue”, Rivista di Studi Fenici 6 (1978), pp.1-16.

Cody, A.

1979 “The Phoenician Ecstatic in Wenamun”, JEA 65 (1979), pp.99-106.

Egberts, A.

1991 “The Chronology of The Report of Wenamun”, JEA 77 (1991), pp.57-67.

1998 “Hard Times: The Chronology of ‘The Report of Wenamun’ Revised”, ZÄS 125 (1998), pp.93-108.

1999 “Double Dutch in The Report of Wenamun?”, GM 172 (1999), pp.17-22.

Eyre, C.J.

[1999] “Irony in the Story of Wenamun”, in Assmann, J. & Blumenthal, E. (eds), Literatur und Politik im pharaonischen und ptolemäischen Ägypten, IFAO: le Caire, 1999, pp.235-252.

Gardiner, A.H.

[1932] Late Egyptian Stories [Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca 1], Éditions de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth: Bruxelles, 1932.

Glanville, S.R.K.

1932 “Records of a Royal Dockyard of the Time of Tuthmosis III: Papyrus British Museum 10056. Part II. Commentary”, ZÄS 68 (1932), pp.7-41.

Goedicke, Hans

1975 The Report of Wenamun, John Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, 1975.

Green, M.

1979 “Wenamun’s Demand for Compensation”, ZÄS 106 (1979), pp.116-20.

1986 “m-k-m-r und w-r-k-t-r in der Wenamun-Geschichte”, ZÄS 113 (1986), pp.115-119.

Jackson, H.M.

1995 “‘The Shadow of Pharaoh, Your Lord, Falls upon You’: Once Again Wenamun 2.46”, JNES 54.4 (1995), pp.273-286.

Leprohon, R.J.

2001 “What Wenamun Could Have Bought: the Value of his Stolen Goods”, Festschrift Donald Redford, Pennsylvania State University, 2001. PDF File

Meltzer, E.S.

1987 “Wenamun 2,46”, JSSEA 17.3 (1987), pp.86-88.

Morschauser, S.N.

1991 “‘Crying to the Lebanon’: A note on Wenamun 2,13-14”, SAK 18 (1991), pp.317-330.

Satzinger, H.

1997 “How Good was Tjeker-Ba’al’s Egyptian? Mockery at Foreign Diction in the Report of Wenamun”, LingAeg 5 (1997), pp.171-176.

Scheepers, A.

1991 “Anthroponymes et toponymes du récit d’Ounamon”, in Lipinski, E. (ed.), Phoenicia and the Bible, [OLA 44. Studia Phoenicia 11], Département Oriëntalistiek: Leuven, 1991, pp.17-83.

1992 “Le voyage d’Ounamon: un texte ‘littéraire’ ou ‘non-littéraire’?”, in Obsomer, C.and Oosthoek, A.-L. (eds.), Amosiadès. Mélanges offerts au Professeur Claude Vandersleyen par ses anciens étudiants, Université Catholique de Louvain: Leuven, 1992, pp.355-365.

de Spens, R.

1998 “Analyse juridique du rapport d’Ounamon”, in Grimal, N. & Menu, B. (eds), Le commerce en Égypte ancienne, IFAO: le Caire, 1998, pp.105-126.

Wente, E.F.

1973 “The Report of Wenamon”, in Simpson, W.K. (ed.), The Literature of Ancient Egypt, Yale University Press: New Haven, 1973.

Wilson, J.A.

1950 “The Journey of Wen-Amon to Phoenicia”, in Pritchard, J.B. (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, Princeton University Press, pp.25-29.

1997 “Wood” (Peter Ian Kuniholm), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, edited by Eric M. Meyers, Oxford University Press, 1997, pp.347-349.

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